Internee 54829
'Pevsner had brought papers and notes into Huyton with him in order to continue some research into the status of the architect in the Middle Ages. Soon, however, he was able to tell Lola that he was “actually pottering about with something of wider appeal, to help in the new start” – ‘wider appeal’ being something of an understatement .... “He was working,” Ralph Beyer remembered later. “He said to me that he thought there wasn’t a short history in English of European architecture, so he’d do that.”
In the intervals, there were entertainments on offer. He was not tempted by the games of volleyball and football that were improvised, but he read novels – Kenilworth kept him going for some time – supplemented ordinary meals with apples and Marmite bought from the camp shop, went to the occasional play staged by inmates, and listened to music. “The everyday situation here is so gruesomely normal,” Pevsner complained. “There is the odd good hour. What everyone suppresses, which is more tragic, is immeasurable. I hope I will not forget all this.” '